Thursday, October 18, 2012


Keep spartan calm and on!

That is what Smithfield Selma Senior High School slogan for homecoming week. Yap! we had homecoming in the first week of October. Honestly this is the first time for me to have homecoming. Maklum, di Indonesia nggak ada.. Hehehe. My drama teacher told me that the history of homecoming began from alumni who want to visit their college (bisa dibilang reunian gitu). And now, homecoming is celebrated by almost all high schools and colleges in USA. Some of them also have homecoming dance which gives opportunity for students to bring their couple and just hang out there. But not for my host school. My school didn't held homecoming dance. We still have football game in the last day, though. Alright, the main event of homecoming is football game. ^^

Homecoming in my school was celebrated with different themes every day. Here is the list:
Day 1 => Celebrity day
Day 2 => Tacky day
Day 3 => Class colors day
Day 4 => Pirates and sailors day
Day 5 => Blue and gold day

It was sound funny, right! In each day, students were suggested to dress based on themes. All of students were very creative with their own clothes. But my favorite day is tacky day, in which I didn't stop laughing on that day because all of my friends dressed so funny. Kalau dibilang pakai Bahasa Indonesia sih "kostumnya banyak yang nabrak". Jadi mereka bener-bener pakai baju yang "gila" abis, alias asal nyampur warna. Or we can say it didn't match at all. Ada yang pakai rambut kribo palsu, dasi dipakai di kepala. Gila, gokil abis pokoknya. But overall, I love homecoming.

At the last day, there was pep-rally in gym room. All of students start from freshmen to senior (9-12) gathered in gym room. There was dance competition (battle dance). But the representatives were only two from each grades. Every body yelled on their own class. 2013! 2014! 2015! 2016! And I'm in class of 2014 now because I'm junior. Ini nih videonya buat opening and battle dance:

Rame banget kan ya! Honestly, I cried in that event. Because suddenly, I remembered all of my friends in Sampoerna Academy Malang. Masih teringat jelas dalam pikiranku ketika seluruh kelas XI memberi semangat ke XI Sc 3 waktu class meeting. Keramaian dan kenangan bersama mereka juga akan selalu terkenang dalam benakku. Love you all guys! :)

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