Saturday, January 12, 2013

Great news, again!

Alhamdulillah, it happened on last Tuesday. I started my day like usual. I went to school and prepared for the exam. Then, at the last block I went to gym room for salat Dhuhur. When I went back to the Personal Finance class, I opened my email and..............................
I got the announcement :D

January 8, 2013

Dear Intan,

I am pleased to inform you that the volunteer evaluation committee in Washington, D.C. has selected you as a participant in this year’s Workshop for Youth Leaders in Teaching of English. Congratulations on your selection! The workshop is planned to take place in Washington, D.C.

Participation in this program is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and will include the following:

·           Round-trip domestic travel from a departure point near your U.S. home to Washington, D.C.
·           Lodging and meals
·           Program activities and materials
·           Ground transportation in Washington
You will receive more information about the workshop and travel arrangements in the next few weeks.

The selection process for this program was highly competitive. There were over 250 applications among the 2012-2013 A-SMYLE, YES, and FLEX students for 28 participant positions; you should be proud of your accomplishment. We look forward to meeting you. Again, congratulations!

It was out of my expectation. Once again Thanks God! and of course thanks for USA and Indonesia.. :)
Hopefully this workshop will be very useful not only for me but also my communities!!!